Birthday Baby

by Lance-the-young

Part 1

Today was supposed to be about celebrating, but as far as Karen Clay was concerned there was nothing to be happy about.

There should have been, though. The only problem was that a year prior her family gained a new member whose birthday was entirely too close to her own – within a week, to be exact.

“God, this is stupid.” From where she sat brushing her hair in her bedroom, the girl spoke primarily to her reflection as she bemoaned, “The little brat’s got no idea what today is anyway. Why celebrate it?” Personally, she found herself hoping she could get this over painlessly, maybe grab some cake, and ignore the kid.

Not that this was going to work, of course, she said to herself. Her brother always managed to be the center of attention no matter what the day was, and on today, it was likely going to be worse a thousandfold.

“At least Grandma might’ve gotten me something,” she wondered aloud, as the old woman hadn’t mailed her gift or flown in for her party last week. Sighing, Karen checked her hair in the mirror one more time before deciding it was fine and setting her brush down, “Probably got ten things for him, though.”
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