How Daring

by ScienceScribbler

Disclaimer-thingy: All characters portrayed in this story engaging in sexual acts are over 18 and consenting adults. Any similarity to real people, scenarios, and diaper-related dares in which consenting adults become un-potty trained are solely for amusement purposes. And are also fun to consider.

Chapter 1: Eric and Kelly

On his twenty second birthday, Eric Homen graduated from college. It was an auspicious day, full of excitement and happiness, and all the better because the two milestones in his life coincided so perfectly. He was able to graduate with his family in attendance, celebrate his birthday with the visiting family, and generally frolic in a concluding-sort of manner for his last week of undergraduate college.

Having completed his bachelor degree in Computer Science, he had a bright future ahead of him, two open job offers on the table, and nearly an entire summer to spend with his long-term girlfriend, Kelly, before he had to start working for either company. Whichever company he chose, he wasn’t slated to start working until the end of summer (a term he had argued for in his original interviews) and that left him with several weeks of fun before moving, starting adulthood, and really getting his life together. Truly, it looked to be the best time in his life, with no real student debt to speak of, enough savings to get by for another month or two, and a new apartment in the city for he and his girlfriend Kelly to share (despite the fact that his rather religious family didn’t think it ‘proper’ for a young man and woman to live together unwed).

It was during this time of extreme happiness, just days after graduation and seeing his family fly back out west to California after the ceremony, that Kelly brought up something he hadn’t heard of before.
Continue reading How Daring

(Waterproof) White Lies

by ScienceScribbler

Chapter 1: An Honest Mistake

Ryan woke with a start to the loud buzz of his alarm. He groggily rolled over and stared at the bright green numbers on the clock face.  6:30 AM. He was still exhausted, but it was time to get up and get to work.  He wearily slapped the ‘off’ button, happily silencing the harsh bleating of the alarm. With slow, deliberate movements Ryan scooted to the edge of his bed and stumbled slowly into wakefulness.  It was a Monday which meant he needed to be at work at the University by eight, leaving him just enough time for his morning routine.

Ryan’s morning habits were simple; barely awake, Ryan would curse his alarm clock, stumble out of bed, stretch for a moment, and then go to the restroom for his morning ablutions.  After his morning pee, he’d brush his teeth, spend a few minutes deciding if he was sufficiently scruffy to warrant shaving, and most days would soon head back to his room for the most important part of his daily routine. For that, he’d stumble sleepily back into his room, head for the closet, and get on with the rest of the morning routine before grabbing something small for breakfast and dashing, usually several minutes later than he ever seemed to intend, to work.
Continue reading (Waterproof) White Lies