Think Before You Wish

by dsguyX

Chapter 1

In the small town or Maple Creek resides a teenage girl with blond hair and wears a blue sleeveless shirt and brown jeans. At the age of 18, Jennifer Taylor was driving in her red Corvette through the small Virginia town. She was done with her last class for today and was excited because next week was Spring Break. Since she was finished with her midterms, Jennifer can finally relax throughout the week knowing that she doesn’t have to do anything for the next week.

After driving down Main Street, she turned left on Meadow Lane, where her house resides. After driving down a couple of blocks, she parked her Corvette next to a two-story blue house. She looked at the driveway and saw a black Jeep parked in the open garage.

“Great, mom’s here,” she said to herself bitterly. Normally she does not have a problem with her mother, but this month is the right time to make such a fuss. For her mother, March means spring cleaning and Jennifer hated it. Her mother always makes her clean up the house whenever she was done studying. It barely leaves her with enough time for herself. She just sighed and said to herself, “Maybe if a sneak in quietly, she won’t know that I’m home.”
Continue reading Think Before You Wish

Birthday Baby

by Lance-the-young

Part 1

Today was supposed to be about celebrating, but as far as Karen Clay was concerned there was nothing to be happy about.

There should have been, though. The only problem was that a year prior her family gained a new member whose birthday was entirely too close to her own – within a week, to be exact.

“God, this is stupid.” From where she sat brushing her hair in her bedroom, the girl spoke primarily to her reflection as she bemoaned, “The little brat’s got no idea what today is anyway. Why celebrate it?” Personally, she found herself hoping she could get this over painlessly, maybe grab some cake, and ignore the kid.

Not that this was going to work, of course, she said to herself. Her brother always managed to be the center of attention no matter what the day was, and on today, it was likely going to be worse a thousandfold.

“At least Grandma might’ve gotten me something,” she wondered aloud, as the old woman hadn’t mailed her gift or flown in for her party last week. Sighing, Karen checked her hair in the mirror one more time before deciding it was fine and setting her brush down, “Probably got ten things for him, though.”
Continue reading Birthday Baby

The Wish

By Macska

Trace Jackson awoke with a start to the sound of his alarm clock screeching. Smacking the vile device to silence it, he swore under his breath. Another horrible week at school lay ahead of him.

At fourteen, he had, until this year, lived in the same small town in Washington State with his adoptive parents. Since they had adopted him when he was less than two years old, he didn’t really think of them as anything other than his real parents. His life was, while not perfect, was predictable and some (including him) would say comfortable.

That all changed when his dad’s job transferred him to their Chicago office. Mom said it was a big promotion and that he should be happy for him, but it meant leaving his friends and his entire life behind.

Trace had been looking forward to starting high school, but being uprooted and moved halfway across the country was not how he had planned to do it. Also being a skinny nerd, as well as the “new kid” made him an instant target for the jocks. The jock making his life a living hell at the moment was Chip Anderson.
Continue reading The Wish